Our Services
Advocates for Students and Families
At School Law Center, we have successfully represented students and their parents in many areas of school and education law.
How Can We Help?
We are experienced and caring attorneys ready to help your child and family solve a variety of legal problems. We work on special education problems, including due process hearings, state complaints, mediation, conciliation conferences, informal and formal negotiations and planning. We attend IEP Team meetings with you and provide legal advice and consultation customized to your needs. We are experienced in all levels of court appeals in state and federal courts including the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals. Our lawyers have helped students and families with special education issues, including:
Patterns of unfair discipline
Academic struggles and failure
Transition planning and services for post-high school success
Assessment and evaluation needs
Early childhood special education
Initial evaluation and eligibility questions
Discrimination in school
Bullying and Harassment issues
Bullying and harassment, including sexual harassment, disability harassment and racial harassment
Juvenile delinquency school referrals
Truancy and attendance problems, including school avoidance and refusal
Discipline problems, including suspensions, expulsions, transfers, seclusion and restraint
Discrimination, including Section 504, ADA, Minnesota Human Rights Act, and other civil rights claims for equity in education
Sports and activities eligibility and participation, including Title IX, Minnesota State High School League, and securing the accommodations and modifications for equal participation by all students with disabilities
Testing accommodations requests and appeals
Physical and sexual abuse
College and post-secondary accommodations and discipline
English Learners, Limited English Proficiency, and the right to English proficiency and access to translated and interpreted materials pursuant to Title VI and the Equal Educational Opportunity Act
We have significant experience in other areas of school and education law, including: